Attention! You will not be able to avoid the bag I’m about to present to you now. Too many good arguments supported by two handles. The details are too sophisticated for us to be able to withstand them. The classic form and its prints – bar none. Cavallina is Italian and it means young mare. Do I have to say more? However, I will start with the smallest Cavallina from the series, very slowly, so that you do not bolt from the stable.

In the beginning of the year, I initially had to keep this a secret because I was already shooting the AIGNER’s Cavallina series in Milan in order to show it to you today. It was an incredible honour with such a model. The Cavallina collection is inspired from AIGNER’s archives and was brought back to the modern era. The handbag that I picked out for the shoot comes with a shoulder strap, a contrasting metallic mirror and a classic leather cord. If you wish to widen the bag at the outer edges, the outer leather strap gains in tension and you get more space when packing the handbag. Even with this small version!

Oh. what can I say - you absolutely need to take a closer look at this bag in-store near to you or here online - you will love this bag. The delicate shade of pink completes its list of features. 

Yours, Kate

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